Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)
Other common names: Kachang Goreng, Groundnut, Monkey-nut, Earthnut, Kacang tanah, 落花生, 花生
Peanut plants are grown for their underground fruit which have edible seeds that can be eaten raw, salted, fried, or steamed. The seeds are also processed into products, the most famous being peanut butter.
A small to medium-sized shrubby annual crop, this plant is often used for crop rotation. It grows rapidly and can also be used as a groundcover.
This plant is part of the Fabaceae or Bean family, which includes other popular edible fruits like Winged Bean and Sword Bean. All members of the bean family can be used for companion planting as they can fix nitrogen into the soil.
Sun and soil needs:
This plant does best in full sun gardens with a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight. This plant can also grow in gardens with at least 6 hours of indirect sunlight, but growth will be slow and the plant will be less healthy.
Plants do best in pots with sandy soil at least 15cm deep, or in true ground. These plants are vulnerable to root rot, so ensure that your pots drain well, and that your soil has plenty of organic and inorganic soil amendments to let the roots breathe.
Sowing seeds:
Seeds should be sown directly into pots or the ground around 15cm apart. Lightly water the soil until damp, once a day. Seeds should sprout within 10 days.
The seedlings are generally resilient to most environmental factors but may be vulnerable to being eaten by snails, rodents or birds. Protect your young plants with a DIY cloche or netting.
These plants generally do not require much fertilising because they are able to fix their own nitrogen. To encourage flowering and thus more seed pods, you can fertilise the plant with fertilisers high in phosphorus and potassium once a month after the plant produces its first flower. These nutrients encourage root and flower growth, which are important for the plant to produce more seed pods.
Unfertilised peanut flowers grow above ground like most other plants, but when they are fertilised they will grow special structures that produce the peanut seed pods underground.
Individual peanut plants will quickly grow a network of roots that are delicate. Do not disturb the roots if possible, and mulch them to prevent water loss.
Squirrels and birds may dig up and eat seed pods. Cover your plants in netting to prevent this.
Underground fruits can be harvested around 4 ½ months after sowing. Peanuts are ready for harvest when the plant starts to turn yellow and wilt. Harvest the whole plant by pulling the plant from the base stem just above the soil and separate out the seed pods from the roots.
Dry, brown fruits are mature, and can be used for seeds.
Harvest cycle:
Growing period | Sowing to germination | Germination to first harvest | Total sowing to first harvest |
Approximate time | 2 weeks or less | 4 months | 4 and a half months |
Check out our sowing and harvest planner to schedule your growing!
This plant can be grown via seeds. Seeds can be taken from mature fruit for immediate planting.
Common problems & solutions:
If your plant has few to no flowers, you can fertilise the plant with fertilisers high in phosphorus and potassium. These nutrients encourage root and flower growth, which are important for the plant to produce more fruit.
Many plants require pollinators to help them fruit. Bees, butterflies, birds and even beetles transport pollen from one flower to another, pollinating your crops and increasing their fruit yield. Attract some pollinators to your garden by growing pollinator-attracting crops.
Aphids, Mealy Bugs, Whiteflies, and Spider Mites often infest the plant if it has underlying problems like repeated wilting from heat stress. Mechanical pest control methods like pruning the infested parts are the best methods for managing these pests in the short term, but resolving the underlying problem will prevent them in the long term.
Rodents and birds are attracted to and will dig up underground fruits to eat. Protect your plants with netting and fully bury seeds used to grow new plants.