Flame Violet
Flame Violet (Episcia cupreata)

The Flame Violets are a fast growing, herbaceous creeping shrub with runners that produce plantlets. It has velvety and patterned leaves, often with a copper tinge.Its trumpet-shaped flowers are bright red and furry in texture, usually blooming for two to three days.
A perennial flower, Flame Violets are great for corridor, indoor, or shady gardens. Different cultivars have different leaf and flower colours. Due to its creeping nature, it looks beautiful in hanging baskets. It is also suitable for terrariums.
Sun and soil needs:
This plant thrives in areas with at least 4 hours of indirect sunlight, but will burn in more than 6 hours of direct sunlight. Plants do best in pots with loamy soil at least 10cm deep, or in true ground.
Applying a dilute fertiliser with a higher phosphorous and potassium content once every two months will help encourage flowering. Pruning spent flowers encourages the plant to flower again.
Take care to water directly onto the soil or do bottom-up watering as water on the leaves causes rot. Make sure that your Flame Violets get enough bright, indirect light to encourage flowering.
As with all potted plants, regular repotting once a year will prevent it from becoming root bound.
Flame Violets can be propagated by stem cuttings or plantlets.
Common problems & solutions:
Aphids, Mealy Bugs, and Spider Mites often infest the plant if it has underlying problems like repeated wilting from heat stress. Mechanical pest control methods like pruning the infested parts are the best methods for managing these pests in the short term, but resolving the underlying problem will prevent them in the long term.
Fungal leafspots, stem blights and root rot can occur when the plant is overwatered. Water only when the surface of the soil is dry.