Spider Plant
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider Plants are a clump forming shrub with green linear leaves. The leaves arch backwards to form a fountain-like shape. It has star-shaped flowers and its plantlets grow along a thin inflorescent stalk which hangs downward, reminiscent of spiders dangling from a thread. After flowering, more leaves are produced at the tip of the stem, forming small plantlets.
A perennial plant, Spider Plants are great indoor plants as they grow well in pots in shady areas. Their fountain-like shape and hanging plantlets make them a popular choice for hanging pots.
Sun and soil needs:
This plant thrives in 4-8 hours of indirect sunlight, but may burn in direct sun. Plants do best in pots with loamy soil at least 10cm deep, or in true ground.
Spider Plants are very hardy and can grow quickly with very little care. This plant can tolerate some neglect, but will grow lush and produce more leaves when the soil is kept moist with regular watering.
Root-bound Spider Plants are more likely to produce plantlets. Plants should be fertilised with balanced fertiliser once every 3-4 months as heavily fertilised plants may not produce as many plantlets.
Spider plants can be propagated by plantlets or division.
Common problems & solutions:
This plant is relatively resistant to pests and disease if kept healthy.
Aphids, Mealy Bugs, and Spider Mites often infest the plant if it has underlying problems like repeated wilting from heat stress. Mechanical pest control methods like pruning the infested parts are the best methods for managing these pests in the short term, but resolving the underlying problem will prevent them in the long term.